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Since skipping the Dark Suit was brought up again a few days ago, and I now actually have a computer that runs Dolphin pretty decently, I decided to mess around and see if I could figure out a way to do it with MBI and savestates. Turns out you can get high enough bomb jumping outside Hive Temple's wall to reach the skywalk. >_> So, basically the plan is
1. Bomb jump along the wall as far as you can, before you reach the Quadraxis trigger
2. Bomb jump to the skywalk
3. Walk over and fall on the room you're going to next

So yeah... You do cut it pretty close, but it personally isn't really that hard with practice, and it uses a really old glitch, so there wasn't anything stopping it from being done before except lack of motivation to test stuff with MBI. Why couldn't I have used savestates a long time ago? :(

Now, AFAIK it's not all really old tricks. I did happen to randomly stumble on something really useful: It's possible to cancel Light Show while morphed. This doesn't completely cancel it, as Light Show comes back if you unmorph again, but this means you're not stuck with only one room to get rid of it. This means that you can activate MBI more than once, as you're no longer reliant on the one-time-use map station. I use this to actually do the wallcrawl twice; the first time is just to lower the gates in Temple Security Access, as they're an absolute pain in the ass to bomb jump around and I didn't want to combine that with getting the energy, and with them lowered you can simply bomb jump over them.

As for how the the Light Show cancelling works, I believe it's caused by forcing a camera angle change (there's a little flash when this happens, and that flash was there every time I managed to cancel it). I accomplished this by basically just blindly boosting and bomb jumping all over the place. >_> Of course, doing this isn't actually necessary for 6% as you can just do MBI once and do everything in one wallcrawl, but at the very least it seems a lot easier than managing to find that stupid map station.

So to summarize: This just uses MBI and no SAs onto non-existant standable spots that don't exist. Also I've lost any desire to run low% at some point. <_<
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Edit history:
rekameohs: 2012-03-24 01:47:48 am
rekameohs: 2012-03-24 01:41:11 am
rekameohs: 2012-03-24 01:26:34 am
rekameohs: 2012-03-24 01:26:32 am
rekameohs: 2012-03-24 01:26:30 am
Anywhere, everywhere
Wow. I had a idea a while back about using MBI, but didn't really have much of plan on how to use it. Can tell you that's not how I was expecting your 6% to have happened. Great job!

I like that you get to see pretty much everything that's been broken with this game: in bounds sequence breaks, secret worlds, infinite speed, morph ball invulnerability, etc.

And at least now we can say that all three games have obscenely hard low% runs now!
not evil,just hungry
Now a run can finally include the great speed trick of using boost (with mbi) to open doors!  this is awesome; a run that incorporates basically every glitch.  too bad its such a pain to do even when not going for speed.

thanks for putting together such a crazy demo run.
Edit history:
Paltheos: 2012-03-24 07:49:29 pm
Paltheos: 2012-03-24 07:48:26 pm
Paltheos: 2012-03-24 05:04:37 pm
I've written a breakdown of the run, albeit a poorly formatted and inconsistent one. If you're looking for something in particular, it might help. Also, you can ignore "no reload" if you're using this data for reference. I'm not sure why I tracked Miles' reloads. >_>

EDIT: Please tell me of any errors you identify. Thank you.

Segment 1 0:00 - Item Loss Skip, skipping Violet (entering Agon), obtaining Dark Beam (unnecessary quick trip to it via secret worlds), save at Save Station 3 in Dark Agon - 1%

Segment 2 9:30 - Obtaining Light Beam, defeating Dark Samus 1 and room reload (to activate Spider Track), save at Save Station A in Agon - 2%

Segment 3 16:25 (no reload) - Skipping several things (entering Torvus), skipping Seekers/Supers/Emerald (entering Torvus proper; unnecessarily re-enters map manually in Torvus Temple: the game places you inside once the pirates are killed), opening Boost gate in Forgotten Bridge, skipping Supers/Emerald (entering lower Torvus; load Underground Transport around Samus - destroying the one-sided Super door from the outside and re-entering the map at Torvus Temple to access the elevator room is a mistake), save at Save Station B in Torvus - 2%

Segment 4 32:20 (no reload) - Skipping several things (entering Training Chamber), opening path to/fro Fortress Transport Access, underwater dashes to scan terminals, save at Save Station B in Torvus - 2%

Segment 5 37:45 (no reload) Defeating Power Bomb Guardian/obtaining Power Bombs, obtaining Dark Torvus Key 1 in Undertemple Access (consequently skipping Gravity Boost), save at Save Station 2 in Dark Torvus - 3%

Segment 6 46:10 - Skipping Grapple Beam (to Sacrifical Chamber), skipping Grapple Guardian (Power Bomb an exit), entering Sanctuary, quick trip to spinner in Main Gyro Chamber (via secret world; unnecessary), save at Save Station B in Sanctuary - 3%

Segment 7 54:15 - Skipping several things (crossing Watch Station Access backwards), skipping Grapple Beam (crossing Grand Abyss and solving Vault without portals), obtaining Screw Attack, opening Watch Station's portal (unnecessarily refusing to use spider tracks), skipping true Spider Ball and incidentally Cobalt (ghetto jump up wall in Dynamo Works), entering Agon, save at Save Station A in Agon - 4%

Segment 8 1:02:30 (no reload) - Skipping Seekers (entering Torvus), skipping Seekers/Supers/Emerald (entering Torvus proper), save at Save Station A in Torvus - 4%

Segment 9 1:04:55 (no reload) - Entering Temple Grounds, skipping Amber/Supers (entering Temple Grounds proper), save at Landing Site in Temple Grounds - 4%

Segment 10 1:11:50 (no reload) - Skipping Violet (via Item Loss Skip), activating Kinetic Orb Cannon in GFMC Compound, save at Hive Save Station in Temple Grounds - 4%

Segment 11 1:17:35 - Infinite Speed in Communication Area -> acquiring Morph Ball Invulnerability in GFMC Compound, rolling around until full "light show" disappears and re-centering the map on GFMC Compound, using save station (Hive Save Station is closest) to completely fix light show, skipping Violet (entering Agon), entering Sanctuary, skipping Echo Visor (via secret world in Hive Dynamo Access) and Dark Suit (MBI), save at Save Station B in Sanctuary - 4%

Segment 12 1:46:15 - Entering Torvus, skipping Gravity Boost (via underwater Screw Attack to escape lower Torvus), skipping Emerald/Supers (entering upper Torvus proper), save at Save Station A in Torvus - 4%

Segment 13 1:52:45 (no reload) - Entering Temple Grounds, skipping Amber/Supers/Violet (entering Temple Grounds proper), save at Hive Save Station in Temple Grounds - 4%

Segment 14 2:00:55 (no reload) - Series of tricks to procure MBI, using save station to fix light show, skipping Violet (entering Agon), entering Sanctuary, skipping Echo Visor/Annihilator Beam/Dark Suit (via SW, SW, and MBI respectively), retrieving Sanctuary's energy, skipping Annihilator Beam/Dark Suit (SW and MBI), save at Save Station B in Sanctuary - 4%

Segment 15 2:36:10 (no reload) - Restoring Sanctuary's energy, skipping true Spider/Cobalt (ghetto jump in Dynamo Works), entering Agon, save at Save Station A in Agon - 4%

Segment 16 2:41:00 (no reload) - Skipping Seekers (entering Torvus), skipping Seekers/Supers/Emerald (entering Torvus proper), save at Save Station A in Torvus - 4%

Segment 17 2:43:40 - Entering Temple Grounds, skipping Amber/Supers (entering Temple Grounds proper), skipping Violet (entering Temple Transport C), entering Great Temple, skipping Amber (leaving map via SW, bypassing gate, triggering Alpha Splinter fight to re-enter the map), skipping Alpha Splinter (jumping over the arena barrier), obtaining Light Suit, warp to Torvus, unnecessary bsj-sa in Abandoned Worksite (elevator works), obtaining Dark Torvus Key 2 in Dark Torvus Arena, unnecessary bsj-sa in Venomous Pond, obtaining Dark Torvus Key 3 in Venomous Pond, save at Save Station 1 in Dark Torvus - 5%

Segment 18 2:53:35 (no reload) - Defeating Chykka/obtaining Dark Visor, skipping Torvus' energy (reload Dark Torvus Temple), obtaining Sky Temple Key 1 at Poisoned Bog in Dark Torvus, save at Save Station 1 in Dark Torvus - 6%

Segment 19 3:04:40 (no reload) - Dropping from Super door in Dark Torvus Temple to non-existent door in Undertemple Shaft via SW, skipping Grapple Guardian (leave through open door), obtaining Sky Temple Key 2 at Dungeon in Dark Torvus, entering Sanctuary, skipping Cobalt and Spider Guardian (load Dynamo Storage around Samus - dropping to the standard is a mistake), unnecessary bsj-sa across chasm in Hive Dynamo Works (spider tracks work), obtaining Sky Temple Key 3 at Hive Dynamo Works in Ing Hive, escaping Hive Dynamo Works (via SW and terminal fall to respawn on the other side), obtaining Sky Temple Key 4 at Hive Entrance in Ing Hive, entering Agon, quick approach to Flying Ing Cache in Battleground (ghetto jump up wall; unnecessary), obtaining Sky Temple Key 5 at Battleground in Dark Agon, obtaining Sky Temple Key 6 at Dark Oasis in Dark Agon, save at Save Station 3 in Dark Agon - 6%

Segment 20 3:21:35 - Warp to Great Temple, skipping Emerald (SW past gate), save at Transport A Access in Great Temple - 6%

Segment 21 3:29:15 (no reload) - Entering Temple Grounds, skipping Seekers (via SW for a STK), obtaining Sky Temple Key 7 at Ing Reliquary in Sky Temple Grounds, skipping Seekers (via SW to escape), skipping Seekers (via SW to enter Temple Grounds proper), skipping Seekers (via SW for a STK), obtaining Sky Temple Key 8 at Accursed Lake in Sky Temple Grounds, skipping Seekers (via SW to escape), skipping Violet (to move to another section of Temple Grounds), save at Landing Site in Temple Grounds - 6%

Segment 22 3:41:35 (no reload) - Skipping Supers (via SW to portal), skipping Supers (via SW to STK), obtaining Sky Temple Key 9 at Defiled Shrine in Sky Temple Grounds, skipping Supers/Seekers (via SW to Sky Temple entrance), warp to Sky Temple, save at Sky Temple Energy Controller in Sky Temple - 6%

Segment 23 3:47:50 - Defeating Emperor Ing/retrieving Great Temple's energy, checkpoint - 6%

Segment 24 3:53:35 (no reload) - Warp to Sky Temple Grounds, Defeating Dark Samus 3/4, genocide/restoring Great Temple's energy/the end: 3:58:00 - 6%
unnecessarily re-enters map manually in Torvus Temple: the game places you inside once the pirates are killed

I thought the normal pirate got carried up above the skywalk. Turned it it wasn't, oops.

(entering lower Torvus; not sure why he loaded elevator room outside the map)

There's normally a Super door blocking it, it's only on one side and I got rid of it before getting back in bounds. I meant to just have the elevator load around me, but I failed that pretty badly...

Segment 4 32:20 (no reload) - Skipping several things (entering Training Chamber), opening path to/fro Fortress Transport Access, quick trip to Undertemple, defeating Power Bomb Guardian/obtaining Power Bombs, obtaining Dark Torvus Key 1 in Undertemple Access (consequently skipping Gravity Boost), save at Save Station 2 in Dark Torvus - 3%

If you're counting every time I save as a new segment, then this was technically two segments. >_> Saved before going to fight PB Guardian.

navigating out of the secret world through "the light show"(!)

The room reloads around you and you're back in bounds within a few seconds, the rest is just blindly rolling around everywhere until Light Show decides to go away.

using save station (Hive Save Station is closest) to fix light show(?)


skipping Amber (entering Temple Transport C)

That's actually a Violet gate. Good job Retro.

escaping Hive Dyanmo Works

Dynamo >_> <_<

Segment 22 3:47:50 - Defeating Emperor Ing/retrieving Great Temple's energy, warp to Sky Temple Grounds, checkpoint - 6%

The checkpoint is as soon as Emperor Ing 3 is defeated.

Interesting to see how many times I saved and how many times I didn't need it. <_<
my umbrella goes directly to Bankai
heh, another old trick that sees a revival by lowering the %. good job.

the last thing that needs to be broken is skipping the sky temple keys. bonus breaks could be skipping the remaining unskippable items by getting others Light Beam-style.
rocks, locks, and invisible blocks
Quote from UchihaSasuke:
heh, another old trick that sees a revival by lowering the %.

Hmm so it's an old trick, I've never heard of it (I guess its because I haven't been on this forum very long)

So how is this MBI glitch done anyway?? I think I get it but I don't have my Echoes disc with me to be sure that I understand whats going on, and that I can replicate it.
lol this route was so awkward/confusing/sick to watch, I didn't get it on my own. Paltheos' description kinda helps. Thanks :)

lol that Dark Samus fight didn't look so good. But I guess you just wanted to show off your sqeuence-breaked beams? ^^
Why didn't you use any missiles (I know they just stun her, but it would have sped up things a bit nontheless I think?)?

lol MBI was new to me. Always nice to see game-breaking glitches like this actually break games.

lol if TAS actually made it all unnecessary, cutting off 1 hour or more just by landing SA on non-existent standable spots in Quady's room =P
(the door itself maybe? Just a thought...)

lol I'd love seeing this "MBI" thing actually be used to defeat Emperor 2 w/o Lightsuit in like 2019

lol. Mad props to Miles. You are sick man.
Edit history:
Jerry9: 2012-03-24 10:22:11 pm
not evil,just hungry
Quote from itsPersonnal:
So how is this MBI glitch done anyway?? I think I get it but I don't have my Echoes disc with me to be sure that I understand whats going on, and that I can replicate it.

see ~2:01 in the video.
Done correcting. Thanks.
rocks, locks, and invisible blocks
So wait, does MBI work in Prime 1?? :O because I smell a varia skip
it requires a morph ball cannon apparently.

So I doubt it's possible in Prime. but what do i know? I'm just a lurker.
rocks, locks, and invisible blocks
well we're close in prime :P we can get IS and get to a save station before getting varia or going to magmoor, but I don't think anything cannon related is even in that game..

Anyway back to Echoes low%ing
Thanks for the breakdown Paltheos/Miles. I was pretty lost during the whole Infinite Speed in Communication Area. I watched a video a few months back for Prime 2 on SDA with Commentary (Low % 1:55 by Alastair 'DJGrenola' Campbell) and found the audio commentary immensely useful and pretty enjoyable because he has a sweet voice.
What.... Is MBI? Not IS right?
Edit history:
TheOthin: 2012-03-26 06:49:55 pm
TheOthin: 2012-03-26 04:42:44 pm
MBI seems to be the cursed dark magic of the Prime games.

Fuck, this is amazing. And you were able to create this monstrosity in a matter of days just from someone suggesting it? Hmm...

Say, wouldn't it be great if we were able to skip Power Bombs?
Don't you need the original Power Bomb for that one Sky Temple key?

This was amazing btw. :D
MP2 also a bit MP1 speedrunning
i liked the SW in lower torvus <3
Quote from Thomaz:
Don't you need the original Power Bomb for that one Sky Temple key?

This was amazing btw. :D

Indeed you do. Just like how you need the Dark Suit or an Energy Tank in order to survive the wallcrawl past Quadraxis.
Quote from TheOthin:
Quote from Thomaz:
Don't you need the original Power Bomb for that one Sky Temple key?

This was amazing btw. :D

Indeed you do. Just like how you need the Dark Suit or an Energy Tank in order to survive the wallcrawl past Quadraxis.

PBs are different. There is one sky temple key that won't even spawn until you pick up the main PB upgrade. It's the reason why speedruns have to kill PB guardian even though they already have a PB expansion.
Quote from Paraxade:
Quote from TheOthin:
Quote from Thomaz:
Don't you need the original Power Bomb for that one Sky Temple key?

This was amazing btw. :D

Indeed you do. Just like how you need the Dark Suit or an Energy Tank in order to survive the wallcrawl past Quadraxis.

PBs are different. There is one sky temple key that won't even spawn until you pick up the main PB upgrade. It's the reason why speedruns have to kill PB guardian even though they already have a PB expansion.

I know about the key, but it seems I remembered wrong about the details of what made it an issue. That's really odd.
MP2 also a bit MP1 speedrunning
we should really try to find a way to trigger that goddamn key there.. it would save a lot of time.
Edit history:
Ntsc: 2012-03-29 09:24:13 pm
Doesn't really sound possible unless some extreme strangeness like a memory modification (think Zelda bottle tricks) is found in game. The real question to me is why they did this. It isn't like you can get through the wall or step into the water until you have PBs.

The same question could be asked for Metroid Prime 1 and artifact of the Warrior (I think thats the one). You can't possibly destroy his tank without powerbombs so why would they make powerbombs have no affect until you acquire the main one?
I'm assuming it's connected to the fact that there's not Ingswarms in the room until you get PBs either.