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Ready and willing.
I could probably translate that to C and supply an Windows executable with the source, if there's interest. Interest would probably depend on how easy cygwin is to install/use...

it's probably not worth that much effort to think that through, much less actually do.

but hey, your life - your time!
Ready and willing.
I said that before actually looking through the entire thing and actually looking to see what it did.
i could kinda tell. ;)
Quote from njahnke:
you could run "metroid" (from penny arcade, implemented by yours truly)!


hours of entertainment!

hahah. nate's a linguist in more ways than one.

dammit, I couldn't help myself.

#include <stdio.h>


int main (void) {

  char inputbuffer[INPUTBUFFERSIZE];

  printf ("\033[32mZebes\033[0m\n\n\nMETROID\n");
  printf ("Retro Studios - a science fiction story\n");
  printf ("Copyright (c) 2001 by Retro Studios,Inc\n");
  printf ("All rights reserved.\n\n\n");
  printf ("You see a Metroid(tm).\n\n>");

  while (0x1) {
    fgets (inputbuffer, INPUTBUFFERSIZE, stdin);
    if (strncmp ("shoot metroid\n", inputbuffer, INPUTBUFFERSIZE-1) == 0x0)
      printf ("\nYou shoot the Metroid(tm).\nYou see another Metroid(tm).\n\n>");

  printf ("You died!\n");

  return 0x0;


way to hijack my own thread.

>shoot metroid

You shoot the Metroid(tm).
You see another Metroid(tm).

>shoot metroid

You shoot the Metroid(tm).
You see another Metroid(tm).

>shoot metrois
You died!

careless typing costs lives.
wow. you should send that in to tycho; maybe he'll answer you like he answered me. just be sure to call it a "port" of my shell version. ;)