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I shared this with the IRC channel yesterday... it's the only movie I intend to record for now so I hope you enjoy it as much as I enjoyed making it.  :)    The textfile in the zip includes commentary on the individual sections.

Thread title: 
Nate announced that emulated runs will no longer be accepted on this site, so feel free to disregard this run.  On my honor, I'm not a cheater and have recorded for other games before, if you have any suspicions of that, but I understand the ruling and still hoped you enjoyed this run.  Someone will beat this with the GBA soon enough, I'm sure. :)
if only i could be assured that all responses would have the above character.
I was informed that it the power bombs are not needed at all to finish the game, and it's basically common knowledge by now... OOPS!  Oh well, there's the sub-40 minute tweak. :)

EDIT: I redid the last two segments of the movie to get the sub-40 time, using the no pb shortcut... I'm pretty much satisfied with the run now, as there's only one little shortcut I forgot about (the morphball booster outside of  Kraid).