thanks, guys. aj, you scare me more - 9% is more impressive than anything I can do.
question for you guys: which do you guys like watching more, the 29:58 SS or the 28:50 segmented? I enjoy doing SS runs more, for sure, simply because I don't need to spend a day trying to get a segment I'll deem adequate. segmented runs are definitely prettier, though, and obviously faster. SS runs are more "human". if I was to improve one (though it wouldn't be easy), which would you prefer I did?
I'll say SS. It's one stream of video, as opposed to dling 5 segments. I didn't like how short seg 3 was, but meh, what're ya gonna do? Metroids suck. Literally and spiritually. Or something.
heh, segment 3 actually took longer than any other segment thanks to the uber-luck needed to have a full compliment of missiles going into mother brain. when you're trying to drop as many seconds as possible, that's the kind of thing you (unfortunately) have to do.
and you can most definitely give a care; even moxy fruvous says so.
interesting, more SS love than I expected. I like them both, myself; I think the best segmented time is really neat, but it comes with the caveat of having to spend hours manipulating luck. I like the real-ness of the SS. I'm probably more proud of the 28:50 than the 29:58 SS, but I think the 28:50 is possible to be beaten by someone who is simply more patient than I, whereas the 29:58 will be beaten by someone better than I. if that makes sense.