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might actually be speedrunable then with sj. not sure though, because i would probably involve way more secret worlds.
red chamber dream
who said anything about having sj?
red chamber dream
i mean you could but then it'd be 22%.
thought you mentioned alternate 21% on the previous page. that's what i was talking about.
red chamber dream
how could you have sj in alternate 21%? from what i looked at tonight, you'd need charge to skip varia.
Edit history:
BioSpark: 2010-07-03 03:27:12 am
oh, were you talking about getting charge beam? i was wondering if 21% with sj would be faster if the varia suit were skippable.
Pretty sure you can not skip Varia with 0 tanks... there's a SW in the elevator room next to TFT but you cannot traverse through TFT fast enough with one tank.
Edit history:
arkarian: 2010-07-03 11:11:54 pm
red chamber dream
Quote from BioSpark:
oh, were you talking about getting charge beam? i was wondering if 21% with sj would be faster if the varia suit were skippable.

oh, yeah it definitely would. it looks like you'd need charge to skip varia though unless other ways are found to get into both the magmoor workstation and transport access sws. well it's either that or we find a way through magmoor to near phen without taking damage ...

Quote from Baby Sheegoth:
Pretty sure you can not skip Varia with 0 tanks... there's a SW in the elevator room next to TFT but you cannot traverse through TFT fast enough with one tank.

right. we're trying to find a way to get wave without going through the heated part of magmoor at all.
Quote from Baby Sheegoth:
Pretty sure you can not skip Varia with 0 tanks... there's a SW in the elevator room next to TFT but you cannot traverse through TFT fast enough with one tank.

right. we're trying to find a way to get wave without going through the heated part of magmoor at all.[/quote]
Right. I... don't see that being very possible but I wish you luck.
red chamber dream
in the previous few posts i've outlined the things we'd need to solve. it doesn't seem likely, but i think it's worth looking into.
You'd better find an SW in that Phazon Mines elevator room then.
Quote from arkarian:
it's worth looking into.

Furthermore, by looking into these things, who knows what other things we may come across? New SWs & viable VMRs are amongst the first things that come to mind.
Could getting bombs before morph ball be a possibility for 20% ? I think that Flamancipator tried to wallcrawl to the bombs, but has never been able to load the room with the boss. Any news about that ? However, even if we could get bombs before morph ball, we are not sure that we could use morph ball.
Quote from synbios:
Could getting bombs before morph ball be a possibility for 20% ? I think that Flamancipator tried to wallcrawl to the bombs, but has never been able to load the room with the boss. Any news about that ? However, even if we could get bombs before morph ball, we are not sure that we could use morph ball.

As far as I can remember, you start off morphed and then when you unmorph you can't morph again.
red chamber dream
b.sheegoth is right. not sure who did this, but i know that someone was able to get bombs before ball and it didn't give him morph ball.
Hurray for being around since the site's inception :)
I recall the same thing, but I can't recall either who it was. Let's see if we can't find out, shall we? *googles for a few minutes*

I found this: http://math.utoledo.edu/~dgajews/sw35/SCU_bak/gf_sw_v3_page01.txt

OK, doesn't tell us if and when it was actually done, but, it still hints at this very same thing being discussed back in 2k3.
Ok, thanks for your answers. So, I admit that the only new skip possibility seems to be varia.
red chamber dream
some people have mentioned missiles but that doesn't really seem likely to me. x-ray is the other obvious one, but in almost 8 years no one has figured out how to damage op without it.
or if someone could figure out how to damage mp second form without the phazon suit and also grab the artifact in the phazon without the phazon suit then we could skip x-ray and phazon suit at the same time. Those have probably also been tried dozens of times too though.
red chamber dream
lol that seems even more unlikely than varia or missiles. :P
coral to complement blue
Missiles seems like the most likely to me. Can morphball before missiles be done without SJ? If so, the only other obstacle I can think of is Artifact of Nature, and it might be possible to get that through SW shenanigans.
Anywhere, everywhere
I think missiles is impossible because of the lock on the ice beam door. Good luck finding a sw in that tiny room...
the biggest obstacle for missiles is the morph ball and the artifact in that set of rooms and as rekamoehs just pointed out the ice beam, although it wouldn't surprise me if somehow people got ice beam to load without the full room loading and being able to escape.
red chamber dream
ah yeah the artifacts are a big one. i really doubt missiles will ever be skippable.