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Quote from arkarian:
i don't think 20% would be very difficult if/when it is solved. most likely candidate afaict would be varia -- there's just one small part of the game currently preventing skipping it (first trip through magmoor to phen). so we'd just have to find some means to not take damage in magmoor or some other sw way around. seems plausible at the very least.
Well, anyone willing to test what happens if you completely skip Varia? Several questions need to be answered, I'd say. Or at least, I don't think I've ever seen the answers to them. What happens if you go for Wild without ever beating Flaahgra, for example. Or, what happens when you acquire Phazon Suit without ever acquiring a different one? Does the game accept that or does it crash?

Maybe it is more interesting to shift that to a separate topic. I'm curious to know if anyone's ever tried going all the way without Varia. I'd love to do it myself, but, don't have the required tools to do it. ;)
red chamber dream
varia has been skippable for years, just not under low% conditions. you can get the phazon suit, etc and beat the game with no problems.
Quote from arkarian:
varia has been skippable for years, just not under low% conditions. you can get the phazon suit, etc and beat the game with no problems.
I knew about VMR, just wasn't sure on the other details.

For example, Artifact of Strength. Nature probably won't be too big of an issue. Any SW leading to Strength? And, more importantly (maybe), leading away from it again?
red chamber dream
phazon suit nullifies magmoor's heat damage.
Quote from arkarian:
phazon suit nullifies magmoor's heat damage.
Ah, of course. Hmmm...
red chamber dream
also the only reason you need to go to phendrana near side in the first place is to get wave. this is why i wanted to see if getting wavebuster gives you wave (it doesn't). there may be some other way to get to wave though besides through magmoor.
Quote from arkarian:
also the only reason you need to go to phendrana near side in the first place is to get wave. this is why i wanted to see if getting wavebuster gives you wave (it doesn't). there may be some other way to get to wave though besides through magmoor.
Any up to date list of all SWs known? *goes off searching* Curious about something.
Edit history:
arkarian: 2010-07-02 07:12:05 pm
red chamber dream
there's a bunch in phendrana far side but i'm not sure if they're accessible without sj. there's also the matter of getting to far phen in the first place.
Quote from arkarian:
there's a bunch in phendrana far side but i'm not sure if they're accessibly without sj. there's also the matter of getting to far phen in the first place.
What I was specifically curious about is whether there are actually SWs that will allow you to travel between different zones of the game. Basically, SWs that allow you to skip transport elevators completely. Going through the SWs listed on Metroid2002.com at the moment to see if there is such an SW.
red chamber dream
there's none known. due to how the game loads the chances of there being something like that are about 0.
Edit history:
arkarian: 2010-07-02 07:34:44 pm
red chamber dream
main problem i see is getting to phendrana far side ... only way in is through magmoor far side, and the only way in there is the elevator after ppc. might be doable if there's a sw in magmoor once you take that elevator.
Quote from arkarian:
seems impossible to go that way since you'd need plasma.
*contemplative hum*

Damned, WTB [0-00 Prime & NTSC NGC]. I want to toy around with some things now. ;)
red chamber dream
i edited that out because i forgot you don't need plasma to reach that elevator. my b.
red chamber dream

so there's a sw in magmoor workstation but it looks like currently you need sj to access it. if we found a way in without sj though we'd be able to reach the elevator to far phendrana. then it's just a matter of wallcrawling to wave (without sj) from there.
red chamber dream
it does look like maybe you could dash up to the workstation sw without sj though so that'd be where to start if you ask me
red chamber dream
there's a cute sw in transport access you should be able to use to get to wave so phendrana is solved afaik. obviously, i'm assuming ibbf for all this.
Quote from arkarian:
it does look like maybe you could dash up to the workstation sw without sj though so that'd be where to start if you ask me
Watched the videos and, well, it kind of looks possible without it.
Quote from arkarian:
there's a cute sw in transport access you should be able to use to get to wave so phendrana is solved afaik. obviously, i'm assuming ibbf for all this.
That one is lovely indeed. :-)
red chamber dream
ok so assuming that's possible the only thing left is to get through phazon mines without wave. you need it to leave the initial elevator and there's no sw there ...
red chamber dream
there's also one random wave door on the way to ppc but that's probably not a problem.
Quote from arkarian:
...the initial elevator and there's no sw there ...
That's partially why I was curious about skipping elevators altogether. Because I was basically assuming SWs leading to and from elevators are probably quite scarce.
red chamber dream
there's actually more of them than you'd think (four listed on the main site) so it's not totally hopeless. it's almost certainly futile trying to skip elevators though. i mean the area at the other end of an elevator doesn't exist until it starts loading during the elevator cutscene. remember, the elevator ride is a just a movie, you're not physically traveling up a shaft or anything.
Quote from arkarian:
there's actually more of them than you'd think (four listed on the main site) so it's not totally hopeless.
Kind of why I WTB a 0-00 and NTSC NGC, so I can personally attempt to find more. PAL and/or Trilogy version simply won't work as effectively, I think.
Quote from arkarian:
remember, the elevator ride is a just a movie, you're not physically traveling up a shaft or anything.
I watched the transport floaty jump videos (sub section Secret Worlds) and, indeed, it doesn't look like there is any trigger point anywhere along the shaft itself. Makes perfect sense from a coder's point of view, it's still a bit of a shame though. ;)
Quote from arkarian:
there's a cute sw in transport access you should be able to use to get to wave so phendrana is solved afaik. obviously, i'm assuming ibbf for all this.

LOL collecting charge beam negates 20%...
red chamber dream
oh lol i forgot you need charge to do that. there may be another way in though.
red chamber dream
could always be an alternate 21% though. would make a lot of stuff easier.