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I think it is possible beat 1% game sub 57 minutes, because 1% game is not much slower than any-% run, but it is much harder.

I watch couple segment dragonfangs TAS run, and he use many cool trick, i not sure is it humanly possible shot 2-missile core-x battle, regular gba console, because i not never tried this trick.

WR time any-% run is 50-minutes, yeah but 1% run couple part took lot amount time:

1 Yakuza second form took longer in 1% game because i think your must be dodge his attack.
2 Plant boss took longer because you have 15 missile max
3 Nightmare took lot time.

My current records in last year is 59 minutes, i lose times, because i missed couple speedtrick. couple eye-X took extra round. i use only one energy recharge.

What is WR time in 1% game segmented run? How many people here is trying beat 1% segmented run?

I maybe try improve my 59 and i maybe try beat game sub 57, minutes. 55-minutes is maybe lowest time, but i think it is virtually impossible time.

I started run this game i try beat game sub 57, but i am satisfied if i beat game sub 59.

SEGMENT 1 DONE 0.03 Sector 1 save point
Yeah i hate first segment, because here is lot subprogram and first subprograms is really long. Eye door shot one beam, and Boss is irritating, he make two ball attack, yeah this took time but this is 1% game and i have 10 missile max.
Thread title: 
I think my 1% time is 50 or 51.  It's been too long for me to remember.

The double core-X shots are possible because I'm doing them in my runs right now ^_^  I just gotta practice a little more with the slower missiles like the Ice and Diffusion.

Good luck with your run.
Edit history:
BioSpark: 2008-05-04 02:02:48 am
Its definitely possible. I've gotten times before that were probably a bit higher than Wassup Dawg's. Practice those double core-x shots. You wont get it all the time but it will still be worth it. Good luck!
GREAT! Wassup dawgs your 1% time is 50-51 I think if you play same skill your any-% run again your time is 48 maybe? Shocked

Segment 2 complete 0.07 sector 2 savepoint
it is little bit more faster than my 59 run (i think about 15 sec) and my best time is about 0.59+ 25-35 second over

Yeah sector 1 was really frustrating segment, here many place took manipulate lucky. This sector look pretty good in my opinion, only bad part was eye door because he/she shot two beams. Ok this segment took about 2 hours complete.

Segment 3 & 4 complete, my time before serris: 0.13  laugh new
i think It is about 30-40 second faster than my previous run. Segment 4 took really long time to beat i think about 3 hour, because eye tube boss attack very rarery attack and Sector 4 is really hard beat enought fast in 1% game because enemys took about 50 energy point per: hit.

I really wonder how is possible beat 1% game sub 52 or sub 51. :-s  I not use hard double shot trick core-x battle because my thumb are too slow Rolling Eyes . It is maybe possible but it is too hard trick for me.

Segment 5 is complete
my time sector 3 first save point is 0.16
I not know it is enought good, because it is same as my last run.
I kill serris in two hit i make all important shine spark, but here is still couple stupid mistake, because this segment was hard, because many place took much lucky.
Quote from MASTER-88:
GREAT! Wassup dawgs your 1% time is 50-51 I think if you play same skill your any-% run again your time is 48 maybe? Shocked

Segment 6 is complete (maybe) time before sector 6 is: 0.18

I not know it is enought good i maybe try beat this segment again, and improve little bit my time because there is couple stupid mistake. Ok i make same speedtricks as Nate 0.53 run, but Security robot is possible beat about 5-8 second faster, but it is hard because i have 15 missile max. I get stupid mistake after boss because one enemy hit me (2-4 sec)

Ok that segment was really diifficult, because security robot is really hard, and many speedtrick took lot time especially last one before boss. I think this segment is possible beat 10 second faster, but AARGH! i working that segment about 3 hours or more.

I improiving segment 6 about 5-6 seconds
Ok i missing one speedtrick (5-sec) but security robot are faster now i think it is maybe little bit more faster than Nate 0.53 run, but still about 4-5 seconds slower than WR run. Ok this not best possible segment, but i am pretty satisfied now.

Segment 7 complete my time before Puff is 0.20 +about 25-30 second over, i think. 

This segment looks perfects, but i lose little bit time because i have 17 energy point and SA-X power bomb took 20 energy point my energy, i lose little bit time because when PB explosive i must be dodge this explosive, but not worry this took about 2 seconds my time.

Next segment is REALLY HARD, BECAUSE I HATE EYE DOOR & BIG CORE-X BATTLE SO SO MUCH!! Evil or Very Mad  Especially because my run is 1% run.
Segment 8 & 9 finally completed time after CORE-X battle is 0.21

Segment 8 took huge amount time (about 2 hours or more), because Big core x was really hard beat fast in 1% game. Boss was pure lucky because sometimes boss took 20 energy point sometimes 40 energy point my energy, and i have only 99 energy point max, i died about 1000 times and eyedoor shot beam about 85% all my tries :x . Ok this segment was pretty well, i beat boss in 4 charge hits but i make little mistake because eye door before boss shot one beam (about 5 sec). Rolling Eyes  But anyway 1% game is huge amount harder than any-% run, because i not have enought energy and missiles, and because i have low energy Big core x battle was pure hell. Boss not cause any problem to beat in any-% run.

Segment 9 Completet my time sector 5 save is 0.23 +15-20 second over (about 45 second faster than my previous records). Wink

This segment was pretty easy, but pure lucky because enemys moves very randomly, i have lucky and this segments looks good, ok here is couple little mistake, but anyway. Wink

Just now i hate this game so much, i,ve never try 1% game again if i someday beat this run. My current time records is insanely good, it is really hard operation beat that time.


Segment 10 is completed
My time before sector 3 is 0.25 +45 sec over it is about same as Nate any-% run, but my run is 1% heh! Wink

Segment 10 not caused big problem, but only big problem was: because i need picked up enought energy and couple missiles, before sector 3. You need enought missiles and energy here.

Yeah i try skip everysingle energy recahrges my run and it is hard and frustrating in my opinion.

Segment 11 finally completed, my time before Habitation deck segment is 0.28 +50 sec over it is same as Nate any-% run  Wink
It is over minutes better than my previous 1% run and about 10 seconds better than my current any-% run (0.54).

Self destruct segment took 2 hours to beat., yeah it was really hard. 4.20 time left, i think  4.23 is lowest time with PAL versio, but i not make any mistake here.
Sounds like you're doing good! Keep it up!

Quote from MASTER-88:
My time before sector 3 is 0.25 +45 sec over it is about same as Nate any-% run, but my run is 1% heh! Wink

Heh, well he hasnt done any runs in a while.

My long operation is finally over. All 21 segment are finally completed and my time is 57 minutes, yeah this not as good as Wassup dawgs run, but yeah my run looks same as Nate, because i use same tricks here.

sub 57 is easily possible with Pal versio, i think sub 56 is possible, but i am pretty sure i,ve never going improve my current 1% records, because this run is insanely difficult speedrun

Normal segment took two hours to beat, but good Robot spider battle took two days

My sub times
Sector 5 before PB: 0-3?
Main deck before Yakuza: 0.34 (very low) 0-5 sec over
Sector 2 save before Nettori: 0.37 (very high) 55-59 sec over
Sector 5 before Nightmare: 0.41
Sector 4 under water: 0.45
sector 6 before robot: 0.48
Metroid laboratorion: 0.50
Sector 1 before Ridley: 0.51
Maindeck before last boss: 0.54
Embarassed my best time is 0:59...
but any%...

congrats to you!  8-)
Quote from Banjonator:
Embarassed my best time is 0:59...
but any%...

congrats to you!  8-)

Dont worry 59 is really good any-% time Wink

Thanks! extra_smug  yeah my 1% run looks insane, i think my new low-% run looks better than my current any-% (0.54) because this one is only three minutes slower.

I wait when Dark knight try beat my time, but i think it is long operation.
Quote from MASTER-88:
I wait when Dark knight try beat my time, but i think it is long operation.

Yeah its going to take a while because of less segments and more tricks, so I better get started.
I like Big Butts and I can not lie
i started a 1% speedrun on my gba
i made sure i only made 2 mistakes max each segment
I think if you less your save you need really much lucky and patience because most segments took lot time to beat. I hate sub programs so much. I save 20 times because i really hate sub programs. Ok i know you are Metroid fusion master, i know you beat my time easily, but i think if you beat 1% run sub 55 it is really good/crazy run.

Make you video or not? If you make video i hope i see this video someday.

Good luck!
Quote from MASTER-88:
Make you video or not? If you make video i hope i see this video someday.

Someday I'm planning to do a SS 1% run and easily beat the current record.
Quote from The Dark Knight:
Quote from MASTER-88:
Make you video or not? If you make video i hope i see this video someday.

Someday I'm planning to do a SS 1% run and easily beat the current record.

1%SS run in SDA looks horrible, but i understand because 1% SS is insanely difficult speedrun. I think it is virtually impossible to beat, but Dragon darch are master, one best speedrun ever, i think.

Many boss took lot lucky on 1%SS run, Yakuza, Nightmare, Ridley and of course Omega metroid. Wink

Yeah i think his time is easily possible beat with segmented run, but SS looks, sounds crazy.  Good luck.
Quote from MASTER-88:
Many boss took lot lucky on 1%SS run, Yakuza, Nightmare, Ridley and of course Omega metroid.

Actually, the only boss I have problems with is Ridley because of how random he is.
Quote from The Dark Knight:
Quote from MASTER-88:
Many boss took lot lucky on 1%SS run, Yakuza, Nightmare, Ridley and of course Omega metroid.

Actually, the only boss I have problems with is Ridley because of how random he is.

I think Yakuza second form attack very randomly, yeah Ridley is hard, but Dragon darch found pretty good strategy beat this fight pretty safety
Quote from MASTER-88:
Quote from The Dark Knight:
Quote from MASTER-88:
Many boss took lot lucky on 1%SS run, Yakuza, Nightmare, Ridley and of course Omega metroid.

Actually, the only boss I have problems with is Ridley because of how random he is.

I think Yakuza second form attack very randomly, yeah Ridley is hard, but Dragon darch found pretty good strategy beat this fight pretty safety

And what is this strategy?

Anyway, in answer to the topic question, there is actually no difference between the NTSC and PAL versions (if indeed, they are region-locked at all)
my umbrella goes directly to Bankai
GBA games are not region locked

but they can still have differences.
Quote from MotherBrainII:
And what is this strategy?

I dont really know his strategy, but I have my own and I think its better.
that's the spirit!
Quote from tdk:
Quote from MotherBrainII:
And what is this strategy?

I dont really know his strategy, but I have my own and I think its better.

Why is everyone keeping this from me? *cries*
I like Big Butts and I can not lie
I think it's the Yakuza strategy, so I copyed his Yakuza fight
Awww... so we don't have a good Ridley strat yet? And is it me, or do you like replying to my posts? You've been the first to reply to every post I've made today!