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how is this possible?

which powerups do you start with?

which powerup do you collect?

how do you get past obstacles that need certain items?
Thread title: 
As far as I know you'll still get all the items from the datarooms and Core Xs. These items won't increase your percentage, but you'll still get anywhere you need to go. You just won't collect other power ups like Missile Tanks or Energy Containers. The only reason it's 1% is because you can't get around one of the Missile Tanks.
just watch d.darch's run.
soaking through
No, don't.  It will depress you that a fellow human has such skills.  Go and watch a video of someone falling over to raise your self esteem.  Or, even better, make someone fall over yourself.  I guarantee it will add sunshine to your day.
come on ... at least i didn't refer him to sess's. :P
soaking through
Indeed.  That would've been in violation of the UN Declaration of Human Rights.
He could watch mine, since it's completely humane things done there, or at least I think so, can't remember exactly how "good" I was in that run.
And I only have it in vmu's anyway so...... meh!

If you know how to work VBA you could PM me for the run though.
lol, i dont actually play fusion, i was just wondering.

would it be that bad to watch sess' run? Question
I('d) like to watch (some MP3 runs)
Yes, because it is not finished yet.  Otherwise, no.
sess' run is the most awesome run ever, even though it isn't finished yet.
... even though it's not a run. ;)
It is a run, just not a speed run :P
Nono, it's a technical demonstration.
Pretty much all of the runs qualifys as a 'technical speedrun' then, you just want to make it seem (even more) special (than it already is) Rolling Eyes

Edit: and you also want to make it pass the 'No emulated speed runs' rule :P
hate to prolong an already retarded argument (but i will anyway) ... i believe the term 'run' comes from the term 'speed run' ... so in my mind, the two are synonyms. thus, a technical demonstration like sess's fusion segments is not correctly termed a 'run,' as he has repeatedly tried to clarify.
Quote from njahnke:
hate to prolong an already retarded argument (but i will anyway) ... i believe the term 'run' comes from the term 'speed run' ... so in my mind, the two are synonyms. thus, a technical demonstration like sess's fusion segments is not correctly termed a 'run,' as he has repeatedly tried to clarify.
Wait, so you're calling sess's technical demonstration slow?

/Me has a feeling that he's misunderstanding Nate.
soaking through
I hope you're being sarcastic.  In case you're not, Sess isn't doing it for speed, so it's not a speed run, and so can't be called a <i>run</i>.  Which I don't strictly agree with, but I can't be arsed to argue about it.
Sess's technical demonstration is actually slower than the fastest a speed run can manage. Case in point: Meltdown. Sess looks so much cooler than WD's and yet he's slower, mostly because the shine-spark across the lava is slower than climbing across. So yes, I'm saying Sess's run is slow :P.
It's a cool-run, not a speed-run. :P

Ah, it doesn't matter. It's still cool :P
If it isn't a run, is it a walk?
Sess's 1% Technical Walk. It just rolls of the tongue.
work those abs!
"Get a rock hard flat stomach by playing Metroid Fusion!!"
What does that have to do with walking?

[Completely off the subject edit]

I finally understand how Sess does it! Every 4th step he takes, he does a little flick of his right hand, which distracts onlookers from the slight hop he then does, which means both of his feet are off the ground at the same time! That's not a walk! He is jogging!!!
red chamber dream
hmm yeah, doesn't walking usually work your legs? I'm too lazy to actually try it though.
You're too lazy to try walking?  You must have one hell of a home setup.