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I have a question about the 23% SpeedRun.
On Vid #14 there's a Scan Dash Jump in Metroid Quarantine A, from an Iron bar to the Ice Door.
Can someone please tell me, where i must exactly stand on the Ironbar, to perform the Scan Dash Jump to reach the Ice Door?
I don't see it really good on the Vid, because it's a bit to dark.

Thx 4 your help.

P.S.: Sorry for the bad english.

Thread title: 
i dont think you can.. i thought u had to lock on to a metroid that has been lured up to get there (by freezing it)
Sorry, forgot to tell, i have the US Version, not the North American Player's Choise or PAL Version if mean that.

You cant jump on the metal bar thing to get to teh door.  Its too far away.
you stand near the wall to make the dash.  You can use a metroid to do the dash..but you have to controll the metroid.  For NTSC, you can use the missile to dash.

So yeah. standing right beside the missile looking at the door you want to exit, jump on the bar, and walk to the right against the wall.  Look towards the door and hope the wall is not in the way.  Then do the dash :)