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if you mail a run to me after 1 may, i cannot guarantee that i will ever receive it. that's because i'm moving into a new apartment on 30 may. as soon as i know my new address, i will give it to radix and submissions can start again, but until then, for safety's sake, please do not mail anything to me after 1 may.

this will cause a lull in the amount of runs i am processing throughout the middle of may, but because i am preparing to completely retool my software processing system anyway (see this topic for more on that), i think that it's probably for the best.
Thread title: 

Is it a good apartment compared to where you live now?

I have a good capture card that I could record runs on. If I spontaniously decide to do a run, and record it, can I submit it to sda?

i am optimistic that the new apartment will offer much better conditions than those i am living in now.
Ready and willing.
Any other effects of said move we should know about?
RealMedia?... or chocolate?
hahahahah. oh man.

that's a reference to that sda forum topic i pasted the link to, btw, if anyone is confused.

as for other effects, i'll obviously be more scarce online while i'm actually physically moving the computers to the new place and trying to get the connections set up, etc, but nah, nothing besides that that i can think of.
Except you might have to take a few new photos for the "POst Pictures of your Computer" thread in the boardwalk.
ok, this is the end of this thread. i've given my new address to radix, so you will be able to submit normally (through him) again starting now!