I'm on my way to 1,000. Right now it's end of the year so I've been focused on that, but after school's over, you'll be seeing me a lot. Mainly cause I don't have anything else in my life besides video games and food...
I mean after you beat ridley you have to speed boost to get to the little ball shooter. or you go fight that bee kinda thing but then you just end up in ridley again. you know.
In the room with the broken Chozo's statue, when you destroy the blocks, after destroying them all youll drop on a platform. Shoot the block of the right wall closest to the ceiling. Use the boosters afterwards.[/code]
I will probalyy be out of college before i get to 1000. How pathetic.
What's pathetic, that you won't or that others will? lol, jk.
You really don't need the long beam either. Or that super, but it will come in handy. You might want a few of those. I'd go with 6 or 8 on normal, 4 on hard.
call me a n00b, but how do you get past those bug hives without dieing, the danmed swarm kills me before i can run away! (and they also block my missles )
call me a n00b, but how do you get past those bug hives without dieing, the danmed swarm kills me before i can run away! (and they also block my missles )
Yep, that rooms a pain without Long Beam isn't it? that's the only time the Long Beam is really of good use.
I ration mine. I have 4 when I enter (from the door, since I am doing speed runs, I don't go back and get more), jump to the first one, get all 4 bugs following me as I blast away and fall to the bottom, jump next to the bug hive, duck, rapid fire, let the bugs fly overhead (they don't hit you if you're quick to get there), keep on blastin' for a while, drop down, run back around the block, jump next to the hive, rinse and repete. Then I jump to just before the second hive and blast away, and hopefully all four of them follow me down. Then I go around, jump to where the first hive was, dish out two missiles while running, jump to the next block, fire a third missile, it should be down if you got enough hits on the first fall. Then I have one left for the door to the bombs.