Morph Ball Bomb--once again, required for obvious reasons
Power Grip--technically, you could skip this with Wall Jumping and IBJing, but there is an impassible blockade in Norfair that doesn't go away unless you have the Power Grip.
Ice Beam--required for Metroids, and that's it
Varia Suit--once again, you can technically skip this, but the game gives it to you when you get the Fully Powered Suit anyways, so there's really no way around this one percent
The Three Unknown Items--required for the unknown item blocks
--- So, basically, you can get six freebies in a 15% game. I don't have very many recommendations for these, except for the Hi Jump and the Screw Attack--Screw Attack becomes invaluable at lower percents, and escaping from Tourian without the Hi Jump is complete hell.
It's not really a block, per se, but one of those purple hive things that you need those small parasitic bugs to destroy. It's at the end of the big room to the right of the Brinstar--Norfair elevator. There's no parasitic bugs to be found in that room, and you can't move parasites from area to area let alone room to room, so....
...that's assuming you can IBJ on demand. If you can, skip the Hi Jump. If you can't, then the hard mode escape will eat you alive. Normal mode is fine, however.
Anyway, once you enter Ridley, go to the rightmost room on your map, the one with the thingies coming out of the pipe thing (I'm forgetting names right now). In the ceiling are some missile blocks, should be right by the door. Blast them away and climb up through the whole with whatever means you got (IBJ will do in a pinch) and you can come into Ridley through the back way.
how do you get out of the killer wasp room without getting the super missels
Simple--you don't go to the killer wasp room.
Quote from Holy_Cow:
besides dont yo kinda need them to get through green doors
There's a way around each and every one.
Though, if you're going for a 15% run, and not a 9%, I'd definately get some Super Missiles--they are invaluable when fighting Mother Brain and Robo Ridley.
Well, I skipped the High Jump in my Normal 15% run and the escape from Tourian was awful. I did it eventually, but I can't imagine getting out without HJ in the 1 minute they give you in Hard mode.
DBJ won't be a factor in 15%, unless you feel like doing Kraid without Grip, which would just be silly.
What about This room? do you not need to go through here at all?
It's not actually necessary to diagonal bomb jump there. I think they did it in the movie just to look cool. You can do it easily with just normal infinite bomb jumping.
EDIT: Ah, just tried the room out again. You don't need complete diagonal bomb jumping there, but if you just infinite bomb jump from the very edge of the ledge (hehheh, rhymes) you'll have to throw in a small bit of diagonal maneuvering at the end.
I don't remember if that room is requred or not. I guess if you REALLY want to avoid the DBJ you can pick up Speed Boost, but you'll be kicking yourself for it later, mark my words. DBJ'ing isn't that hard, really. It uses the same rhythm as a regular IBJ, just with a little movement to the side thrown in. You'll have it in no time with a little practice.
Diagonal Bomb Jumping is not actually hard. The people in the movie do it much differently from me. Notice how they lay two bombs at a time. I lay one, and place it right in the same place the other one was, just a little higher. When I get finally started, I lay them earlier. I wish I could tspe it, because it's so much easier. Now, for when you are diagonally jumping, just lay a bomb, roll to the left or right of it, and when it explodes, lay another and hold the opposite direction in which you just flew. Repeat.
A) That room is required only to get the Screw Attack and B) I've done it without the DBJ. You have to be on the edge, bomb as high as you can, then at the top move left and hope you make it. I don't remember whether unmorphing to try and grab the ledge is more succesful than just moving there in the morph.
A) That room is required only to get the Screw Attack and B) I've done it without the DBJ. You have to be on the edge, bomb as high as you can, then at the top move left and hope you make it. I don't remember whether unmorphing to try and grab the ledge is more succesful than just moving there in the morph.
Sweet! Maybe I'll try this run after all. Hi Jump, Screw Attack, Energy Tank, Super Missile, Super Missile, and either another Super or maybe Long Beam.
And how do you get past that missile tank in Ridley's lair?
Urgh! I just beat Kraid, and I'm off to Norfair. How do you get past that Speed Block floor to get to the lower parts of Norfair without the Speed Booster?
To get past the speed blocks, go to the top of the long shaft (where you come out after the ice beam) and shoot the top block on the right wall with a missle. You'll know what to do after that. I usually take Ridely before Kraid; Kraid goes down so fast with supers it's sad.
The missle? I'm assuming you're talking about the one on top of the fall shaft just before Ridely's hidey hole. You ice one of the guys, then jump over the missle tank from him. With the Hi-Jump you can even morph jump over for extra room.
Oh, yeah, and the Long Beam is utterly worthless without the Charge, as it's only use is to hit bosses (and to make the hive room a lot less painful, but it's only the beginning). All other enemies are almost always in range; that's a side effect of the GBA's small screen size.
ive been tryin to do the goddamn 15% on hard. and it is HARD AS HELL. and people have said they cant even beat it on normal, i pity them. i did the 15 on normal ok, but hard, yuck. the damn chozo ghost kills me in two hits, its just rather frustraiting, exspecially after havin to kill all those metroids and mother brain with only 2 missles and 2 super missles. but yeah, after this i will have gotten all the endings and there is no way i can quit doing this, just hope i dont get a damn heart attack from the black pirates or even meta ridley. one last thing, ridley is a bitch, why is he never hard anymore???