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MASTER-88: 2008-07-22 08:55:04 pm
Wow today i started go this.

My current best unrecorde 10% hard mode time is 50.53. I am so fucking rusty right now.

I still started that. Check out my youtube profile there is some segments available right now. My goal is sub hour. Currnet now i am almost 3 minutes behind my best time (50.53).

Prime speedguide continue too. I hope i get my disc back a tommorow. Enjoy. :)

ALL segments is added in play list:

+Includes Promo video my last part.
Thread title: 
I just went through and watched all 7 segments you had up.

Practice IBJ.

There are really two ways to do it; the fast way is to lay a bomb as soon as the one already down has exploded and again just before the apex of the individual bomb jump, and the safe way is to lay a bomb about halfway down from the apex of the bomb jump. The fast way, at least to me, is more sight-based, whereas the safe way tends to be more rhythm/sound based.
Yeah my bomb jump is little rusty. +GBA player make bomb jump alway much harder than GBA. Trust me.

I always have some trouble make bomb jump with my GBA player.  But luckily there you not need bomb jump like 100% runs. This my mistake in powe grip pit is not that bad. It is solved very easily using infite wall jump, looks still cool.

Next segment is Kraid segment, this coming when i back a home.
Yeah my bomb jump is little rusty. +GBA player make bomb jump alway much harder than GBA. Trust me.

You could cheat and use slowdown/frame advance for IBJ sequences :P
Edit history:
MASTER-88: 2008-07-13 05:21:44 am
Quote from vykan12:
Yeah my bomb jump is little rusty. +GBA player make bomb jump alway much harder than GBA. Trust me.

You could cheat and use slowdown/frame advance for IBJ sequences :P

Normally i don,t have any trouble make IBJ. Over year ago when i play much that game my bombjump skills like lot ajbolt89. I am right now little rusty because i touch last time this game over year ago, it is pretty long time, but i think i still can beat 10% hard mode once again. I am completed that 4 times, but i never already trying recorded that.

This my youtube run is no real speedrun, it is too frustrating use speed here +manipulate perfect refill drops like i did my 9% normal run. This took easily many discs + My ZM skills is so rusty right now.

This is only reason why i choose 10% hard run, because i don,t have skills go through any- or 100% run for insane speed right now, because my speed skills is so rusty. 10% hard mode i don,t need worry my mistakes, because low-% hard runs always looks so cool.

Still i try managed every possible trick here, because i want my playthroug looks fast & cool. But yeah i don,t try perfect game yet. Probably in the future when i have more skills. If i try real speed i come choose 9% normal mode run. I have more experience normal runs than hard mode runs.

But i still hope i can got sub hour 10% hard recorded run. Sub hour is no easy task after one year break.
once GameFAQs, now Twitch
Wait, MASTER, you use the PAL version of Metroid Prime, right?  That means you'd have the European version of Zero Mission, too, if I'm drawing the right conclusions.  Isn't 9% Hard possible on that version?
Quote from TJF588:
Wait, MASTER, you use the PAL version of Metroid Prime, right?  That means you'd have the European version of Zero Mission, too, if I'm drawing the right conclusions.  Isn't 9% Hard possible on that version?

Yes it is theoretical possible.
I once trying that, but it end up in barriers. Who really can break all barriers two missile only? I trying many hours, but no luck here.

This requires almost TAS, but yeah it is possible if you have insane amount luck and patience.
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MASTER-88: 2008-07-21 01:30:54 pm

13 segments is available in youtube. I am still much behind my 10% hard speedrun, i think i am almost 13 minutes behind my best time. I see i am so rusty now.

I think i still can get 1.05-1.10 clear time. This like my avarage goal beat 10% hard.

More segments is completed too. I just save my game before chozo boss i am still under 14 minutes behind my best time. This is fun, i beat Mother brain my 1st attempt laugh new
Still my skills really suck.
Play list is added in first post.

Every else expect Mecha Ridley is available in youtube. Some reason i have extremely bad luck against him. currently now he is take me over 300 failed attempts (4-5 hours play time) 5 times i was extrmely close beat him (1-2 m shots remain) but double lasers shots in low corner always ruin my attempt. :x Hopefully i can beat that soon.
But my luck is really horrible today.

Hopefully i can go throught escape without dying, because i hate MEcha Ridley most. Evil or Very Mad He is one most random low-% fight in video game history. +GBA-player make it more harder to beat. 

Luckily i find way erase my Disc. I am erased over 300 failded attempts agaisnt Iron ted. This piss me off  :x
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MASTER-88: 2008-07-22 08:37:04 pm
I managed encode my TS to AVI . Real Promo video is available in youtube now.
This looks like pretty cool:

I try managed real encode my playthrough too. Some reason only video clip come out. Anyways it looks pretty cool. My first encode operation in my life is done.

Final part is available now. I am so happy i solved encoding. BTW my last boss is no damage fight enjoy

Quote from MASTER-88:
Yeah my bomb jump is little rusty. +GBA player make bomb jump alway much harder than GBA. Trust me.

I always have some trouble make bomb jump with my GBA player.  But luckily there you not need bomb jump like 100% runs. This my mistake in powe grip pit is not that bad. It is solved very easily using infite wall jump, looks still cool.

Next segment is Kraid segment, this coming when i back a home.

Can't you connect your gba into the gamecube using a GBA adaptor? It'd be much easier than using that damned gamecube controller.
Quote from Zamus:
Quote from MASTER-88:
Yeah my bomb jump is little rusty. +GBA player make bomb jump alway much harder than GBA. Trust me.

I always have some trouble make bomb jump with my GBA player.  But luckily there you not need bomb jump like 100% runs. This my mistake in powe grip pit is not that bad. It is solved very easily using infite wall jump, looks still cool.

Next segment is Kraid segment, this coming when i back a home.

Can't you connect your gba into the gamecube using a GBA adaptor? It'd be much easier than using that damned gamecube controller.

Yeah i can. And i use it.

Still GBA player make game much more different than GBA itself. IT took just more practice learn use GBA player, i don,t know why?.
This is my music video on my run enjoy:

Shifty Leader
That M2k2 guy
In my opinion, that's not enough to be counted as a music video. It could have been sort of passable if it fit the first song just because of its fast beat, but all it looks to be is a chopped up run that has music behind it. They don't match up right, and the last song gets cut off.

Although I did like that you left in a lot of the tedious metroid hunting parts. A large part of the run is just stalling those metroids until you can actually kill them. Also, have you considered doing a super missile run instead? It's probably much faster if not easier. I'm still hoping to see a PAL 9% hard run some day, though. I think AJ beat it once just to be able to say he beat it.
Jagger ftw
I'll do a 9% for old time sake, jagga got a route? (I've never done a low percent before, but if you give me a route, I can probably handle it grin new)
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TJF588: 2008-08-14 09:59:31 am
once GameFAQs, now Twitch
"he's gone" *Ridley flies off*, the next song begins with wall-jumping after milling around a bit, ans slows when the 'troid cutscene starts.  These syncs (mostly in-tune with the beat) amuse me, though the break in the music while action's going on kinda "hrm"s me.  Now, after I take care of my second inner-mouth bite (I seem determined to rip/shear that bit off), maybe I can comfortably get back to watching (at the 'troid-killing part jagger mentioned).  Left hand on TP in mah mouff, right hand typin'... *sigh*

Oh, and "Dancing Madly (First Form)" by waxingeloquent seemed to be fine with the first half-minute-or-so bit of the vid, 'til I hushed it up and soft-reset/unmuted it.

2nd EDIT (post-watch):  Y'missed with one of those missiles in that last big Metroid room.  That had to sting.  Speaking of missiles, I applaud you with using the 4-missles option rather than the 2-norm/1-super; seems unfair to have seven hits' worth of firepower when a 9% normal run only gets five hits' worth.  Nice work on the 'tites; I'm supposeing that was all one segment (the barriers, then MB and the escape)?  On to Mother Brain, more music sync-ups with the third song kicking in during MB's first beam-charge (or at least the first you showed in the MV).  Heh, "look him (or was it "me") in the eye" with Robot Ridley, heh; might should check what the eye-open cutscenes has playing over it.
Shifty Leader
That M2k2 guy
Gu3st, get varia right after bombs if you're aiming for simplicity. Also, no matter the route, you have to face-off against the Acid Penis in Kraid's "area." Make sure you get the stuff it shoots out of the head to keep up your ammo. The hardest part, by far, is Iron Ted. Also, if you're playing hard, good luck on the zebetites. You're gonna need a LOT of it.
Jagger ftw
i Forgot to tell you, I am only doing on computer (9% is eu only, I don't got eu. I will NOT skip frame, tas videos skip frames and do things impossible to do)
The extra percent in 10% is sup missile am I right?.

and Is it possible to lure out the flying thing in the room where you need speed booster/activate ball slot? I think i might be able to lure them out with a h-bj to the left then quick bomb to the right. then kill them, and maybe I can hbj across (skip acid penis)

and Is piling metroids faster than 1 by 1? I just finished watching abjolt's 10% run, he had piled metroid quite a few times.

ye zebitate is HOLY SHIT, if only there is something like the ones in super metroid..
Shifty Leader
That M2k2 guy
The 10th% is either missile, super, or sa, but super is IMO the easiest.

If you're talking about the rio room after kraid, then no, it's not possible on console to kill all the rios and make it back to the platform. Also, they regenerate if you leave the room.

Not sure, but it seems like piling them up might be slightly faster.
SM route is probably easiest to beat.

But i always like play 4 missiles route most.
My playthrough i choose 4 missile route because it is just cooler than SM route IMO.

My best SM route time is 57.14 and my best 4 missile route time is 50.53. This recorded attempt was slower one, mostly because i have rusty skills when i finally pick up again this game.

I am already playing 9% hard run, but it ended up against barriers. After many hours frustrating attempts i don,t never break any barriers, so i finally give up that. I think overall this is not much harder than 10% hard mode run itself, but i cannot break barriers on console.

This is interesting see can anyone recorded that. Currently now i am too rusty try that again. Take my much time increase my skills high enought. Even this easier 10% hard run was pretty hard my recorded attempt.
Jagger ftw
so I could get 1 missile tank and 1 super? with out sa?
Quote from Gu3st:
so I could get 1 missile tank and 1 super? with out sa?

Yeah 1 missile expansion and 1 SM expansion and no screw attack. Wink
Jagger ftw
who needs s attack any ways?

#1 It have aids
#2 I don't see abjolt getting it in his vid
Quote from Gu3st:
who needs s attack any ways?
#2 I don't see abjolt getting it in his vid

Ajbolt don,t getting screw attack because he got alternative SM his current run.

You need at least 3 missiles in chozodia on NTSC or alternative 2 missile and screw atttack:

PAL you can recharge your missiles back when you going in save room. M-blocks don,t appeared again on PAL. Anyway
Jagger ftw
hold on a minute here...

in hard mode missile is 2 missiles iirc?

1space jump
2plasma beam
3power grip
4vaira suit
5gravity suit
6morph ball
7morph ball bombs
8missile tank
9ice beam

I don't see room for sa or sup missile, unless some of them doesn't count (but which ones?)
once GameFAQs, now Twitch
In not-Eu versions, more at least three individual missiles or the ability to screw attack are needed to pass an area in the mothership (reappearing missile blocks and a missile door before a save station).