Wow. I just tried this on my hard 90-odd% file, and what he says is true. I'm nowhere near good enough to do a hard 9%, but I think it's possible on PAL now.
Yay! *Has already started 9% Hard* *is currently stuck by the first Zebetite(?)* *Thinks it may only take a year or so to kill all four Zebetites*
oh well...
@ Dragonfangs and Gamecube04: Did you try it on the two Missile Blocks I mean? (The Missile Blocks on the other way through Chozodia respawn when you leave the room) 9% Hard NTSC and Pal would be cool....somehow...
Maybe that would be too easy...
(and I dont know why this hasn't been found before...)
Sweet! This is proof positive that you are the legendary Reploid... er, proof positive that Nintendo foresaw 9% runs. There's no other explanation for those, and only those, missile blocks staying destroyed.
Wait, I hope you guys didn't take my post as though I was saying that they're right and it works in the PAL version, cause while it very well may (although I hope it doesn't), I haven't seen it myself. I'm just sort of upset it all.
I didn't read you that way, aj. But I don't think there's much room for doubt now -- XtraX is a newbie and all, but Izo certainly isn't. Of course it's possible they both got mutant PAL carts, so other people should check, but my money's on their missile blocks vanishing too.
I got there on Normal while playing it in Spanish...the missile blocks stayed gone after refilling...just another *raises hand* type thing, as it seems to work for PAL.
Now I just wonder why it took so long for that to be figured out....
You didn't check that other topic where he posted about an update a whole minute earlier then.
And damn, my brother, who moved out (temporarily for school) has my copy of MZM. He's about 25~ miles away right now, and I have no way of getting it back before easter. Yay for discoveries, anyway.
Hmm. Now I need to get really good at ZM, really fast. I've started a 9% normal, but it is really damn hard. Any tips/boss strategies etc would be appreciated.
Awesome though that you got all those other videos in that update too. *Cough( I made the RidleyCrumble videos *cough*
Edit: Watch the run man, I'm not just plugging it, I seriously think it will help you... except get Varia like right after bombs. I didn't do that in the run cause it's faster not to.
I've already got early Varia, seeing as bomb jumping's probably what I'm best at, but I'm really dreading Kraid, Ridley, and Tourian. So far, I've got missiles, ice beam, varia, bombs, and morph ball. Can't remember exactly where I am.
EDIT: I have another question. I've got a save right after Ice beam in that tall shaft with purple things, but I don't know whether to do Ridley before Kraid or not. Keep in mind when answering this question that I suck at one-wall walljumping, as well as Zero Mission in general.
Erm... I'd just do Ridley first, there's no one-wall jumping required, and he's not really that hard with the cheesing strat. Also keep in mind you MUST fight acid worm. Don't try to skip him, you'll regret it later.