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There are some minor errors in the run, read the text file.

It works fine now, make sure you put frameskip on automatic.
Thread title: 
I('d) like to watch (some MP3 runs)

I just finished a 1:40:29 100% (easy though), and it'll be cool to compare routes.
Post it?  Or did you record it?  I know that at least 1:20 is possible.
yeah, i'll be posting it asap. with the statid this time. -_-
I'm looking forward to seeing Bullettas run.

I just learned about the speed booster escape in Kraid from Tetris, and the pickup of the etank below the last boss using speed booster from Dave.

Did you notice that you can't use the ice beam to get the etank in the ceiling like you could in the original Metroid?
I('d) like to watch (some MP3 runs)
Yeah I recorded it.

A bazillion messups, but my first attempt at a route, and I like the way I go, so I made a movie on it.

Yeah I think 1:20 or 1:15 is doable once people get real good at memorizing the room layout (go Dave go).

I'm about to watch your movie right now..
The movies are out of sync. What version of vba did you use?

Try:  frameskip-automatic.

If its messing up in the same area it did for me, right after charge beam, then thats the problem.  Those little tiny parasite bugs eat up craploads of the emus speed or rendering speed or something.
I('d) like to watch (some MP3 runs)
I got the stupid 'ROM is using the BIOS' error that makes it so I can't watch them. =/

I did get 1:50 100% in hard though, but that's 10 minutes slower than my easy time..
Turn on the bios, reload the rom, then it will work.  Don't have a bios?  Search 'gba.bios'  Some hispanic website or something will usually have it.
either that or message me on IRC and i'll highlight your name and press command-1. ;)
I'm just doing a route test, and I think 1:20 should be fairly possible.
Its always out of sync, even with this 'automatic' setting on.
Metroid Exp: Exploration - Great, Skills - Decent
Hold down the spacebar for about 7 seconds after he gets the charge beam, then you can bypass the sync error