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Green-Kirby, ROAR!
Quote from Azure:
I suppose it has something to do with the make CRE/scenery GFX file option.

CRE = doors statue..The stuff all areas have the same.
Scenery = Specific for that are/tile set.
Click make. And a file withe a number name (scenery number) or CRE will be created in the same folders as the ROM you are editing. Then open that file with a tile editor/layer.

That can be found here: www.romhacking.net

Ugh tired need sleep .................
Check it out, i liked your design. So i made it my own!!

I took your basic design, of blue stone i lightened and redesigned them!!!

I love getting bored!!
Green-Kirby, ROAR!
Quote from SMF:
Check it out, i liked your design. So i made it my own!!

I took your basic design, of blue stone i lightened and redesigned them!!!

Stealing work is illegal even if you only did use it as base model.
Would you like people to rip your work you have been working on with
out even asking?

And I can't comment your pick. Why? Since it is JPG and JPG fuck up pixels. And I recommend not putting slopes in when showing off.
SMF-> If you are going to do GFX start from scratch your self.

EDIT: When you do a image remove brightness mode from smile.
Armor Guardian
Quote from Green-Kirby:
Stealing work is illegal even if you only did use it as base model. Would you like people to rip your work you have been working on with out even asking?

I find this statement hilarious for obvious reasons.
Green-Kirby, ROAR!
Quote from RT-55J:
I find this statement hilarious for obvious reasons.

Yup I see what you mean. But the fact is gaming companies don't care.
(Though the fact is trying to stop the romhacking community is as hard as stopping roms getting uploaded.)

But heck what you saying is that if I did just take some one else sprites from the art forum edit it and post it as my own the one who made the original would not get mad at me? I mean you seams to find this case funny.

In case that is not what makes me mad.
What makes me mad is the fact that I have helped him and tested crappy stuff for him.


There will be no more updates to this topic.
Mainly cause I am getting a bit bored with making GFX.