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Personally, I would like one of them, as this game was good and it's the kind of game that can have a sequel without spoiling itself. Problem is, MPP1 used a few elements from Prime 2, and short of a nifty redux, I dunno what they would do.
Thread title: 
red chamber dream
Dude, it's waaaaay too early to be thinking about a sequel, unless you're a game designer. And Nintendo doesn't usually make sequels to their pinball games...
Nothing's wrong with considering it. And Ninty's only made a few Pinball games, and insofar this is the only one worthy of a sequel, or so I'm told.

And actually, I AM a game designer. Sorta. Wink
lol. Thats actually corect. But they just make more pinball games out of real games.

Edit : Damn simlu post.

That's rich.

Anyway, yeah, they do. You know, a real sci-fi pinball game without any storyline for it to be bogusly bassed off of could be great.
It depends on how well MPP does, and whether or not Nintendo wants thinks that an MP2 pinball game would do as well (seeing how MP2 was less popular).
I think it would be awesome to make a Prime Pinball 2, but don't release it until Prime 3 comes out.
One problem though. How would Dark Aether work? Constantly drain the morphball's "health"? The only way to balance that would be to have crystals scattered wildly throughout each table, especially one on each flipper.
Edit history:
Bahamut: 2009-01-26 11:59:46 pm
Edit: I'm editing all my really big useless posts into this so you don't waste your time reading them. If I should just leave them how they are then tell me and I'll stop editing them, but I think it would be better to not waste room on the page and stop if someone tells me to, than leaving them here to be annoying.
red chamber dream
You're fine, Bahamut. MetroidJunkie, normally I'd tell you to quit bumping old topics, but the Pinball section gets so little conversation that it's really no big deal-- this time. I don't want to see you bumping topics in other fora, like you have been recently.
I cannot believe you saw THAT as worthless! I was contributing to the main idea of the post by questioning how they would handle the mechanics! What do I have to do for you to see my posts as actually worth something!? I could've sworn it said on the warning, just make sure it contributes to the post.